Gutter and Downspout Cleaning

Cleaning GutterGutters and Downspouts need to be checked periodically to assure they will drain properly.

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Sunshine Roofing can come to your home or business and clean the roof and gutters of debris that collects over time. We offer a flexible schedule to accommodate your specific situation. We have once a year, twice a year, once a quarter, and once every 6 week customers. It really depends on the situation as to the maintenance interval.

They should also be checked and cleaned after a major storm where the wind blows around debris and blows down tree limbs.

This would include winds in excess of 40 mph. When water is flowing over the top of the gutter, not out of the downspout, it is time to clean the gutter.

There are many cases where water got into a residence from the gutters overflowing. Also, even if water does not enter the residence, overflowing gutters will let water get behind the protection of the fascia and start rotting out the sub-fascia and truss ends. This can happen for a while without seeing any water stains inside the home. Then when a piece of furniture is moved, the area is exposed, or the gutter gets backed up enough the water finally makes it to the ceiling where the stain is seen.

Gutter Cleaning Naples, FL


Cleaning the gutters goes right along with Roof Debris Removal. Once the debris is off the roof, then the debris is removed from the gutters.

This video shows the water damage from the gutter overflowing. You will see that once the water is flowing in the gutter again, the water stops flowing out of the previous water damage and rotten fascia.